Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Seoul 1988

The Seoul 1988 Olympics started amazing with 159 nations, 8391 athletes out of that 2194 women and the remaining men, 237 events, 27221 volunteers and 11331 media in that 4978 written press and 6353 broadcasters. On 2 October 1988, the official opening of the game was done President Roh Tae-woo, Olympic Oath by Hur Jae, Son Mi-na, official oath by Lee Hak-rae (judo), lighting by Chong Son-man, Kim Won-tak, Son Mi-jong and during the closing ceremony the Korean dancers ends the show excellently.

Christa Luding Rothenburger won the silver medal in cycling and placed the history of winter and summer medals in the same year. Greg Louganis been successful in his driving events and Florence Griffith Joyner dominates the sprints and in dressage, the medalists were women.


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